Patch "Konotopska Motanka" from "The Witch of Konotop"

Size: 5.5 * 7.5 cm;

Material: PVC (polyvinyl chloride);

Additional: velcro for fastening.

240 uah

Patch "KONOTOPSKA MOTANKA" is a collaboration of the revenge movie "Witch of Konotop" by FILM.UA studio and M-Tac brand. The motanka doll is one of the oldest symbols of Ukrainian culture. She performed the function of a talisman. The cross-shaped figure of the motanka symbolizes the sun, life and new beginnings, as well as the harmony of the physical and spiritual world of a person. Making a doll based on the movement of the sun ensures good luck and happiness. Motanki symbolize the connection with ancestors, traditions and mystical power that helps in the fight against enemies.

The patch is made of high-quality PVC material (polyvinyl chloride) using 3D technology, thanks to which it seems voluminous and the image is realistic. The patch can be used with any clothing and equipment that has Velcro.